WordPress post sync is a unique app that sync WordPress data with ThriveDesk realtime and give immediate accessibility. You can search your WordPress website and link your content without leaving ThriveDesk. Here is how you can sync your posts, pages, product or any custom post type data.

Step 1: Install ThriveDesk WordPress plugin

  1. Log into your WordPress site.
  2. Go to Plugins >  Add Plugins and search for ThriveDesk.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Go to Settings > ThriveDesk page and click the Connect button of WordPress Post Sync app.
  5. You'll redirect to ThriveDesk app and you'll see the connection information window.
  6. Give your connect a name(label) and select Inboxes where this app will activate.
  7. Select number of post you want to show in search result.
WP Post Sync Installation screen
WP Post Sync Installation screen

Step 2: Configure WordPress plugin

After successful installation of the app you'll redirect back to your WordPress site where you can configure the post types 👇

WP Post Sync plugin configure screen
WP Post Sync plugin configure screen
  1. Click on WP Post Sync tab
  2. Select the post type you want to access form ThriveDesk.
  3. Save changes.

Step 3: Accessing WordPress posts

You can access WordPress posts form your conversation reply editor. By using the `/` command, you can search directly from your WordPress site. Select the result and it'll automatically insert the post link into the editor. 

Access WordPress posts by using / command
Access WordPress posts by using / command

This will reduce support agent time and help them focus on answering the ticket.